Thursday, December 12, 2013

Summer Hosting

Some sweet friends put this video together for us with pictures from our hosting time this past Summer. Thanks, Bob and Susan Craft!!

Monday, December 9, 2013

We have a date!

We are so happy to report that we officially have an appointment with the Ministry of Adoption and Rights of the Child in the capital city of our daughters country! We will be leaving the US on January 18th , and our appointment will be January 20th. The purpose of this appointment is to receive permission to travel to our girls region of the country and adopt her specifically. This first trip should last for about 1 week, and, Lord willing, we will get to see her again on January 22nd or 23rd. If all goes well, we should receive a court date, which will likely be about 1 month after our appointment date.

We're so excited to begin counting down the days until we see "A" again; it has added something special to an already special season. It has also brought back to us memories of "A" from this past summer (seems like so long ago!) I was thinking today about the first few days that she was home with us. During family meals, we noticed that she slumped forward in her seat with her head bowed while she ate, cautiously glancing up at us on occasion. Happily, as she felt more secure and safe, she grew out of this and would smile, talk, and interact with us during meals. Based on her behavior, we can only wonder what mealtime must be like at the orphanage.

As the month continued on, she became more and more a part of our family. Whenever I would call Julie from work she would give "A" the phone and the onslaught of Russian language would begin! I'm fairly certain that every event that had occurred to that point in her day was recounted to me, but of course all I understood was "Papa!".  Likewise, as soon as I got home from work I would be grabbed by the arm and led back to her room to see what she had drawn or arranged with the dollhouse. What was important to her was to have someone that would sit and listen, comprehension aside. I look so forward to being be-fuddled again! Although I should mention that Julie and I are working with Rosetta Stone to learn some of the Russian language (Julie is far ahead of me at this point).

As the process continues and we get closer, I've been increasingly aware of why we are doing this.

It is not because it's simple, quick, or in-expensive. It is none of these things. Further, as many of you know, our family is dealing with additional stress during this time unrelated to the adoption but having an effect on it all the same.

This is also not being done from a misplaced altruism or because we view ourselves as "rescuers". God help us the moment we see ourselves and not Him as the solution.

Rather, we love "A", and she felt like a part of our family from the beginning. We are adopting her not because we are worthy of being her rescuer, but because we are so un-worthy, and yet we have been rescued! In my own life, in spite of every advantage in upbringing, education, a beautiful wife, three (soon to be four) precious children, a wonderful church family and support system, there has been failing at every turn. How weak our flesh truly is and easily corrupted our hearts can become! And yet at the cross all things were made new! Every sin forgiven, every debt paid, forevermore. None of us as followers of Christ deserve that merit. So how much more gracious to this world should we be, who have been forgiven a debt that we could never hope to repay? The Lord brings a young girl without a family into our lives and gives us a love for her, so how could we who have been adopted into the universal family of God not adopt her into our own family? For this precious child, alone in the world and yet born in our hearts, what will we not do to bring her home? How much time is too long? What distance is too far? What cost is too great? In light of the gospel, the answer is none. We rely on Him to provide the patience to wait, the strength to endure, and the resources to complete this journey, so that it can be said:

"Not unto us, O Lord, Not unto us,
But to Thy name give glory.
Because of your mercy, because of your truth."  (Psalm 115:1)

Where would be we without the mercy and truth of Jesus? I'm certain we would not be on the verge of an international adoption.

Thank you all so much for your support to date! We ask that you prayerfully consider donating further to this cause (see Julie's last blog entry).

                                                                       Papa and "A"